Thursday, March 29, 2012

big news around here!

 Yesterday, Ethnie came bounding off the bus yelling, "Mom! I have to show you something!"
Me: "What is it?"
Ethnie: "Look! My tooth came out!!!"
Me: "No way! Did it hurt?"
Ethnie: "No and I didn't even cry!"
Me: "That's awesome. Is your tooth in your backpack?"
Ethnie: No, I accidentally ate it!"
Me: "What?"

Her teacher called me just minutes later to explain to me what had happened. She was eating her apple at lunch and didn't even notice it came out. Ms. Leslie looked around for it and couldn't find it. She came to the conclusion that she had swallowed it. No blood, no tears, no worries! It was a big day here in the Vogl household. And yes, the tooth fairy did come.

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