Saturday, July 14, 2012

only 12 days to go!

Did you know there are 36 events in the summer olympic games??? Did you also know that there are only 12 short days left until they start?! I am pumped. I love the olympics. The events I will definitely be watching are rowing, swimming, diving, track, gymnastics, triathlon, and biking. This will probably be the most tv I will have watched all year! I think I will be glued to it. I don't have any favorite athletes; I admire all of them. But I am partial to US athletes. :) I love watching the opening ceremonies and cheering on the contenders! 
The Olympic Flame takes to water at Henley on Thames 
go rowers!


Amy Jo said...

We are excited! Michael Phelps is our favorite. The boys are so excited! We didn't see hardly anything except construction for the Olympics when we were in London. I was kind of disappointed. .

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