excited to give away her cards.
great job, girls!
Easter Sunday was very nice. We had a very uplifting service at church with inspiring music and talks. Even the children got to go up front and sing two songs. It was Emmett's first time being old enough to sing with the other children and he actually stood up there! I came with him, but he was brave and stood there silently. :) Then Ethnie got to give a talk in her Sunday school class. She spoke about how the Savior influences her family. She did a great job!
Emmett has been very attached to an old stuffed rainbow trout from Cabela's that we have (a gift from papa and grammy). He's been sleeping with it all week and hauls it into the living room when he wakes up.
The weather was absolutely perfect and made this Easter that much brighter and uplifting. After church we had Matt's family over for Easter dinner. It was a feast and I was so grateful for it. I also hid some eggs in the yard for the kids to hunt. Emmett still needs help with this, but he was able to find quite a few eggs. Dad helped. ;)
I couldn't believe how fast Ethnie was running around grabbing eggs.
she was DYING to get her shorts on.
I hope you all had a beautiful Easter! I am so grateful to know that Jesus Christ lives!