I volunteer weekly at J.J Hill Montessori, where Ethnie attends. I always enjoy walking into her school because it's such a happy, peaceful place. J.J Hill is all about making every child's world a peaceful one that's full of love. I realize there are probably hundreds of elementary schools in the state that are considered "safer" than J.J Hill, but I feel like the children there are very safe. Yet, I still worry about Ethnie being safe from harm away from home.
Recent shootings have scared me to death and make my heart burn for those who have lost children. Sometimes I feel like the only way I can keep my kids safe is to keep them at home all the time! I can understand how homeschooling is becoming more popular.
Now at J.J Hill, aside from fire and tornado drills, they practice 'lock down' drills in case of a dangerous intruder (i.e. some psycho with a gun). It's pretty sad when your child has to practice locking themselves in a classroom and silently lying face-down on the floor until the drill is over. Can you imagine how scary that would be as a kid?
Emmett and I had the privilege of participating in a lock-down drill last week. When the drill is announced over the intercom, it's 'go' time. And no one messes around.
a section of the 'talking wall' in the front lobby of the school. Each square is a depiction of what peace is to a child. I took close-up shots of a few of them.
I hope you enjoy your child's school as much as I enjoy mine. And I hope your child is safe at school every day!